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What is a McKenzie Friend?


Anyone involved in a court case in England and Wales is entitled to represent themselves. They do not have to instruct a Solicitor or Barrister to act for them and often the price puts these options out of reach. If you are representing yourself, you are called a ‘Litigant in Person’.


As a Litigant in Person you are entitled to support and have the right to be accompanied in court. That support can be obtained from a fee paid ‘McKenzie Friend’ who can not only accompany you in court but also guide you through that process. Using a McKenzie Friend, keeps costs low but gives you the valuable support you need when you need it most.


We have successfully supported clients in cases concerning;


  • Financial settlement in divorce

  • Financial and property settlement between cohabitees

  • Child contact arrangements

  • Relocation 

  • Domestic abuse injunctions

  • Transfer of tenancies

  • Pre-court negotiations

  • Consent orders and uncontested financial agreements

  • Cases involving special educational needs, child protection and care issues.


Unlike most fee paid McKenzie Friends, Cheryl has legal qualifications and experience making the service not only affordable but also ensures the quality of the service you will receive is second to none. We believe it gives our clients the advantage of managing their own case with the high level of legal support we offer.


For cases involving Tribunals such as education or employment, Cheryl can undertake full case management and appear as an advocate on your behalf.


Cheryl is a Graduate member of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx). CILEx regulates nearly 20,000 legal professionals and has a clear code of conduct members must follow. This sets Cheryl's services apart from other McKenzie Friends who operate without the assurance of regulation. Find out more here

I was facing a final hearing representing myself with the thought of high solicitors fees too daunting to contemplate. I was referred to Puzzle Piece by a friend and what a breathe of fresh air it was. Going into the final hearing with Cheryl by my side and the outstanding preparation she had done gave me the confidence needed on the day. I had a very positive outcome from the hearing and this wouldn’t have been possible without Cheryl’s expertise and all for a very affordable fee. I really can’t recommend Puzzle Piece enough. 

Gary Ingerson

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